Archaeopteryx, means 'ancient wing'. It is discovered by Meyer in 1861 and found in Europe. It has a dimensions of 50 centimeters length,25 centimeters height and 50 grams weight. There food was carnivore and insectivore.
Archaeopteryx, was a little like a small carnivore dinosaur and a little like a bird. Like all dinosaur, it had a long tail, sternum (the flat bone in the center of the thorax), three strong clawed digits on each 'wing hand' and a mouth with lots of sharp teeth curving inward. As with all birds, the Archaeopteryx had a wishbone, two 'big toes' pointing backward for perching on branches of trees and a body covered with plumes and feathers. This makes the Archaeopteryx a classic link in evolution which demonstrates how birds have developed from dinosaurs. It is believed that the Archaepteryx was a fine flyer.
Archaeopteryx is considered by many palaeontologist to be the oldest known bird. Study of the species has enabled scientists to understand the evolution of dinosaurs to birds and how they adapted to flight.
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