Anatotitan, means 'gigantic duck' It was discovered in North America by Chapman and Brett-Surman in 1990. There are three qualification of Anatotitan Onithischia,Ornithopodopa and Hadrosauridae
It has the dimensions of 12 meters length, 2.5 meters height and 5 tonnes weight. There food was herbivore.
Anatotitan could walk very quickly on two legs but it normally run on four legs. Its front legs were shorter than its strong hind legs and its feet ended with three digits each with a hoof. Its head was low and flat and with a wide, long beak. It had hundreds of teeth in its mouth which it used to grind up twigs and pipe.
Anatotitan, was originally named Anatosaurus-the duck reptile. Some experts think that, when attacked by a predator, it would flee into deep water. Its wide tail would have helped it to swim very rapidly.
Anatotitan, did not have a crest like other hadrosaurs. Instead it had two empty sacs at either side of its mouth which it may have been able to inflate - rather like those of the ELEPHANT SEAL today-in order to produce a loud, fumbling cry.
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