Allosaurus, means 'strange lizard'. The palaeontologist who discovered it thought that its bones were very similar to a lizard's. It was discovered in Marsh in 1877. Allosaurus remains have been found in North America, Europe, Africa, Astralia, Asia and India. It has 14 meters length, 5 meters height and 3 tonnes weight. And eat carnivore.
The enormous quantity of remains in a good state of preservation has enabled paleontologist to reconstruct the anatomy of the Allosaurus in fine detail. The Allosaurus was a powerful, agile animal,m
moving in two legs. Its skull was huge, its neck long and muscular. Its teeth curved inward and had jagged edges like a steak knife so as to cut through even the toughest skin. It would bite its prey, holding it firmly if it tired to escape. Its three-digit hands had strong, pointed claws, ideal for digging deep into its victim's flesh. It is thought that herbs of Allosaurus could have hunted for prey as large as the gigantic Camptosaurus and Stegosaurus. The head of the Allosaurus had a strange bony crest which could have been used to recognize members of a herd, or to distinguish male from female.
The Allosaurus could reach speeds of 30 kilometers an hour - with each leap measuring a good 3 meters! As it ran along, it kept its head down, its body parallel to the ground, with its tail, long and rigid acting as a balance to keep the body stable.
Many experts believe that the Allosaurous had a hunting technique very similar to today's tiger-a long wait and then attacking at the shoulder of the prey, suddenly and rapidly.
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