Alvarezsaurus,means 'lizard of Alvarez' named after the historian Don Gregorio Alvarez. It is discovered by Bonaparte in 1991 and found in South America. It has the dimension of 2 meters length, 55 centimeters height and 8 kilograms weight. they eat carnivore and insectivore.
Alvarezsaurus, was a biped dinosaur, agile and with a very light body, its feet and long rear limbs making it a fast runner. It arms were very small and almost withered, so not much use. It neck was 'S'-shaped and its stiff tail-more than a meter long- was used by the Alvarezsaurus to keep its balance.
Alvarezsaurus was a dinosaurus closely linked to birds.
The Alvarezsaurus is classified both among dinosaurs and within groups of primitive birds. The most recent discoveries seem to suggest that they are members of the dinosaur family- but there is still some disagreement about this. Now, as then long'S'-shape neck of the Alvarezsaurus is like that of today's flightness birds, such as ostriches, emus and rheas.
Alvarezsaurus skeleton bone.
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