Baryonyx means "heavy claw" because it was the first example found of a fossilized hand with a claw. It was discovered by Walker in 1983.
It has three classification, Saurischi, Thefopoda, and Spinosauridae. The remains found in Europe.
There food was piscivore.
The skull of Baryonyx was very similar to that of crocodile, narrow and elongated, with a very strong jaw and cone-shaped teeth. Between its eyes there was a bony crest. The front legs were long and strong, the hand having a thumb with a single curve claw.
The rear legs were and erect, supporting the whole weight of the body which was balanced by a long tail, very broad at the base.
It is very likely that Baryonyx lived in marshy areas and caught fish using its clawed thumb as a perfect hook for fishing . Among the fossilized bones of the rib cage of one example, numerous scales of a fish of the genus Lepidotes have been found; this was a very common fish in the Cretaceous period, almost a metre long. It is probale that these scales were the remains of the last mael of this Baryonyx.
Now, as then Baryonyx caught fish in the same way as the grizzly bear does in the rivers of North America.
Baryonyx Skull
Baryonyx Claw