Apatosaurus, means 'deceitful lizard'. In fact, this dinosaur 'deceived' Othniel Marsh, the palaeontologist who discovered it in Marsh in 1877. He found some dinosaur bones and called it Apatosaurus. Two years later, he found other remains and thinking that these belonged to another species, called the 'new' dinosaur Brontosaurus(thunder lizard) Only later was it found that all these bones belonged to the same species of dinosaur. The first name Apatosaurus, is actually the correct one.
The remains of the Apatosaurus were found in North America.
Apatosaurus has three classification namely Saurischia,Sauropoda and Diplocidae.
It has 27 meters length,8 meters height and 35 tonnes weight dimension.
There food was herbivore.
Apatosaurus, was a powerful dinosaur, chracterized by legs like thick columns and a very long neck and tail-but with a head measuring only 55 centimetres,so tiny compared with the rest of the body! In its mouth it had long teeth at the front in the form of a sort of comb, useful for tearing leaves and shoots from branches of trees. The massive muscles in its back could have enabled the Apatosaurus to raise it self up on its hind legs to reach the most tender leaves at the tops of trees.
The long tail, very thin at the end, was a formidable weapon which the Apatosaurus could swish from side to side at incredible speed,whistling like a whip and shattering the bones of any enemy trying to get near.

During excavation one Apatosaurus skeleton and one Camasaurus skeleton were unearthed-but only one skull seemed to fit with the rest of the Apatosaurus remains, it was thought that the skull belonged to this dinosaur. For many years to come, the Apatosaurus wasss thought to have a skull belonged to the Camasaurus! And so, the Apatosaurus lost its head and remained without one until the discovery of a new, complete skeleton with the 'right' skull.
Now as then defending by using the tail is not so unusual: the iquana, for example behaves the same way.